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One of the best series of the last season has unfotunately come to an end. I did feel like they rushed the ending and just gave some of the remaining characters some action. I highly recommend this series specially if tsuderes win in your book. I have a couple of complains and rants that would otherwise make this anime perfect, like how the main male lead was a complete tard and his storyline sucked, or how some girls like Mao or Sakino got rushed towards the series. I’ll save all of these toughts for the full review, and don’t worry too much over the rushed ending I’ll be reading the manga next and you should too, i bet there’s some nice surprises there. I will leave you with the girls in order of preference, pantsu rating and some spoiler pictures 😀

  • Eriko Futami
  • Asuka Sakino
  • Mao Mizusawa
  • Yumi Hoshino
  • everyone else 🙂

Fan Service: 3

Maids: 0

Bishounen: 0

Lolis: 0

Fights: 0

Violence: 0

moe: 1

Speedwatch: 2

Memorable moments: 1

Graphics: 1

Final rating: 8 PANTSU POINTS.
