In a quick update today I was able to watch the last 3 episodes of kekkaishi. As I was writing this I was deciding in wether or not to write a review for it and I decided to do it. I came across kekkaishi a while ago by accident, and I actually had some fun. This anime is not very popular I don’t know why. I think its definitely a fun anime and the manga is even better as most mangas are, I do recommend this as a must watch. Kaguro is one of the most badass evil guy you could ever meet, in fact he rescues the anime from a downward spiral at about half of the series. As soon as he comes in and starts kicking ass the anime takes a turn for the better. Everyone starts acting more serious and after he kills Gen he pretty much takes center stage as the main bad guy, definitely one of the most badass evil guys ever to appear in anime. I recommend you watch the anime as you read the manga or read the manga after you’re done with the anime, the manga is just that much better, here’s an example of the differences. In the critical scene yoshimori tells tokine to stfu an stay put, and the anime didn’t do a good job at showing that dark expression that made tokine stumble and take him seriously for once.


So the anime ends where the kaguro arc ends and yoshimori gets a nice combo of slap and hug (like a bitch) from tokine then they continue pwning ayakashis, BOOOOOOORING. Altought I must say that I enjoy the background on kaguro that the manga does not provide. Anyway the manga continues after the anime ends and I recommend you read it, even tho the releases take forever to come out. I leave you with some images from the ending chapters of the anime and the same scenes from the manga version.




Fan Service: 1

Maids: 0

Bishounen: 0

Lolis: 0

Fights: 2

Violence: 1

moe: 1

Speedwatch: 1

Memorable moments: 1

Graphics: 0

Final rating: 7 PANTSU POINTS.

I was able to find the first volume and half of the second volume of kimikiss: Various heroines. Which is basically a full volume devoted to one girl hooking up with the guy, which by the was is not the big loser from the anime haha. I say this manga is a pretty sweet deal, go bother up the guys at plumcity to get faster releases. There are supposed to be 2 other manga variations of kimikiss I’ve yet to find, if anyone has leads on them and also raws of various heroines, do let me know. In the mean time I will continue looking for them and I will also look at some doujins see if we have any good ones out there. 🙂




One of the best series of the last season has unfotunately come to an end. I did feel like they rushed the ending and just gave some of the remaining characters some action. I highly recommend this series specially if tsuderes win in your book. I have a couple of complains and rants that would otherwise make this anime perfect, like how the main male lead was a complete tard and his storyline sucked, or how some girls like Mao or Sakino got rushed towards the series. I’ll save all of these toughts for the full review, and don’t worry too much over the rushed ending I’ll be reading the manga next and you should too, i bet there’s some nice surprises there. I will leave you with the girls in order of preference, pantsu rating and some spoiler pictures 😀

  • Eriko Futami
  • Asuka Sakino
  • Mao Mizusawa
  • Yumi Hoshino
  • everyone else 🙂

Fan Service: 3

Maids: 0

Bishounen: 0

Lolis: 0

Fights: 0

Violence: 0

moe: 1

Speedwatch: 2

Memorable moments: 1

Graphics: 1

Final rating: 8 PANTSU POINTS.


I might take tomorrow off since im kinda sick, so I’ll be taking some time to update the blog, I will also post the reviews as posts instead of pages, cause they are hard to link to. 🙂

Until the new season starts I will randomly get some reviews in here, also taking requests.

Today I bring you Blue Drop, find out why you should avoid this anime with a 2 pantsu points rating. It’s a shame really, read all about it in the review.

Things to expect this week are: 2-3 reviews, Reviews spreadsheet and upcoming season temp reviews.

My Pantsu Points rating’s purpose is to provide a quick visual reference of what any given anime is worth. As you may have noticed, fan service amounts to 50% of the rating. This came upon a heated debate about anime value in general, and look I’m going to be honest with you; fan service is by far the most important aspect in the anime industry right now. You can debate and argue all you want but that’s a hard cold fact. Take Death Note for example, I never got past the first 2 episodes because of a number of things. First of all the whole shinigami, 2 worlds (underworld and the world of the living), an emo loser with a homicidal tendency and top it off with the “notebook of death” which is the opposite of the book of life. I just found the whole thing retarded, the ass clown shinigami didn’t help either, point is if death note had any sort of fan service at all I might have kept watching or even speedwatch it to the end, hell even some moe would do. Another example would be the Naruto anime and manga who would benefit GREATLY from more fan service. I mean the whole sasuke and naruto homo friendship, the gay clothing, the newcomer sai who dresses like a fag and shows more skin than any of the girls, fawk man, i don’t even watch that trash anymore. I’m glad the manga has so much quality and really do justice to the amazing fights, if fact I recommend you quit/speedwatch the anime and start reading the manga RIGHT NOW.

Check out my pantsu points rating scheme and like I always say “Starting tomorrow I will start posting anime ratings and reviews. I’m also taking requests as to which anime I do first. Look for a spreadsheet this week that includes all the pantsu points for pretty much all anime I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a ton trust me.

OH man I’ve been so busy I havent been able to even update this blog but starting tomorrow I’ll start posting all the stuff I’ve been writing, starting with the rating I will be using, in the mean time here’s some fan service.


The review for baccano should be done, and so is my rating scheme, which by the way is a stroke of genius 🙂

I’m about half way done with Blue Drop, watched the latest naruto, bleach, dgrayman and kekkaishi, expect all of these done by next weekend as well as a revamp of the page.

Hey guys(if anyone is actually reading this lol) Finally found a job, learning a lot of stuff and following the presidentian primaries has been taking all of my time, but I manage to start catching up on my anime, ever since I stopped about half of last season. I did managed to finish up with baccanno!, expect a review soon. This coming weekend will ALL CATCH UP, 3 day weekend baby!!

To all the anxiously awaiting visitors it finally paid off, I made my blog. What waits ahead are lots of anime waiting to be reviewed and recommended, in the next few days I’ll be posting everythign about my rating chartss to our first review.