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Until the new season starts I will randomly get some reviews in here, also taking requests.

Today I bring you Blue Drop, find out why you should avoid this anime with a 2 pantsu points rating. It’s a shame really, read all about it in the review.

Things to expect this week are: 2-3 reviews, Reviews spreadsheet and upcoming season temp reviews.

My Pantsu Points rating’s purpose is to provide a quick visual reference of what any given anime is worth. As you may have noticed, fan service amounts to 50% of the rating. This came upon a heated debate about anime value in general, and look I’m going to be honest with you; fan service is by far the most important aspect in the anime industry right now. You can debate and argue all you want but that’s a hard cold fact. Take Death Note for example, I never got past the first 2 episodes because of a number of things. First of all the whole shinigami, 2 worlds (underworld and the world of the living), an emo loser with a homicidal tendency and top it off with the “notebook of death” which is the opposite of the book of life. I just found the whole thing retarded, the ass clown shinigami didn’t help either, point is if death note had any sort of fan service at all I might have kept watching or even speedwatch it to the end, hell even some moe would do. Another example would be the Naruto anime and manga who would benefit GREATLY from more fan service. I mean the whole sasuke and naruto homo friendship, the gay clothing, the newcomer sai who dresses like a fag and shows more skin than any of the girls, fawk man, i don’t even watch that trash anymore. I’m glad the manga has so much quality and really do justice to the amazing fights, if fact I recommend you quit/speedwatch the anime and start reading the manga RIGHT NOW.

Check out my pantsu points rating scheme and like I always say “Starting tomorrow I will start posting anime ratings and reviews. I’m also taking requests as to which anime I do first. Look for a spreadsheet this week that includes all the pantsu points for pretty much all anime I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a ton trust me.