Let me just start by saying the first episode of Blue Drop starts with a bang. You had great animation and CG courtesy of Gonzo, you had girls choking each other without explanation, an interesting group of support character, you had aliens, a mothership at the end, WOW I was excited. In my mind this was the start of an amazing anime, and somehow I thought I wouldn’t stand the wait every week so I decided to struggle and wait until the series ended then enjoy it all in one go. And I was right but not for the reasons you’re thinking of, instead the anime sucked so bad I’m glad I held it in such high regard for all those months. I recommend you do the same except don’t ever go back and watch past episode one.

The anime started to sidetrack from the main storyline and spent like last half of the episodes revolving around that mega glasses bitch Kazuki and her emo tendencies abut some stupid school play WTF.

Rating explained: I gave it 2 pantsu points on fanservice because the aliens were easy on the eyes, I gotta say though they gotta work on those butts, although having no men around their home planet its understandable. The swimsuit episode was above average. Both hagino and mari had nice bodies but akane stole the show. I don’t know why she has to cover herself so much, and what’s with the cravings? Just gotta have something in your mouth doncha girl?

Thankfully there are no maids, bishos or lolis so that makes the show viewable at least. The fights sucked. I think the most climatic fight(I’m clearly exaggerating) was hagino capturing azanael. For some reason the fights didn’t seem very conflicting since everything looked like toys lol, heck even the spaceships looked retarded, little 2 manned submarines with sonar, yeah I’m not joking, I bet they have a periscope too.

There was very little violence, I didn’t think the flashbacks to the mass murder would qualify getting a pantsu point.
I could not feel enough moe out of this anime, sorry akane. I would have preferred to have akane as the side arc character than the retarded Kazuki. Oh and btw fuck the school play, that’s the last thing I want to worry about with a lesbian alien invasion, GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.

The graphics were pretty good, the animation is smooth and consistent, the C.G. is solid and if you don’t know what I mean exactly, don’t ask me ‘cause I don’t even know wtf is going on anymore.

Fan Service: 2

Maids: 0

Bishounen: 0

Lolis: 0

Fights: 0

Violence: 0

moe: 0

Speedwatch: -1

Memoreable moments: 0

Graphics: 1

Final rating: 2 PANTSU POINTS.

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