The Pantsu Points Rating is a rating scheme I came out with to let you guys better choose what to watch and what to avoid. The following breakdown explains how I award Pantsu Points. I will give no more than 10 Pantsu Points or less than 0 Pantsu Points to any given anime. Anything 5 and above is a worthy watch, where as 8 and above is a must watch, in contrast you might want to avoid anything with 4 or less points, and definetely avoid anything 1 or less.

FAN SERVICE: anything from pantsu shots to full frontal. Bouncing breasts, revealing poses, huggin, kissing, revealing outfits, anything that make s a man smile. I am big on fan service, in fact fan service could make a crappy anime be tolerable, and I can cite so many examples, it’s just a fact of life whether you’re a casual a new comer or an all out otaku. I offer a maximum of +5 pantsu points.

MAIDS: Although I can understand the concept of maids, It annoys me like hell when they come out of the blue or with some stupid reasons just to put a maid in there. I do try to be tolerant about it so it takes quite a bit before I act, after all who doesn’t like maids right? O_o maximum -1 pantsu point.

BISHOUNENS: Screw bishounens. By the way bishos are not the anti-lolis in fact they complement lolis in absolute anime destruction, too much to bear, receive a maximum of -2 pantsu points.

LOLIS: Oh the good old lolis, I give a big sigh every time they appear. Besides being a retarded excuse for pedophilia I just can’t stand them, specially when they have big boobs and are acting all grown up, oh man, its bad. I do try to be tolerant, some cases they justify the lolis to when the main characters were childs or what not, overall if its a loli acting all mature it’s a nono. Maximum of -1 pantsu point.

FIGHTS: Fighting is the second most important thing after fanservice, nothing beats a good ass whopping, see what I did there? Whether is hand to hand, psychological warfare, indirect, superpwers, verbal, a fight is a fight. I judge in intensity, fluid motions, cheesiness, originality and plain old ownage. I award a maximum of +2 pantsu points.

VIOLENCE: Violence brings realism and seriousness to any given topic or situation. How ever an excess of blood and gore might get you a negative score. I judge by the amount of violence used to prove your point without being too disgusting or what not. score ranges from -1 to +1 pantsu points.

MOE: Cuteness, adorable, beautiful are all synonym of moe. Anything that brings up a nice memory or a fetish are moe. For example a big bobbed cat girl saying “nya nya” could be an example of moe, and if the drawings are very cute the better. Most tsundere have also a lot of moe to make them interesting which is why most people tend to cheer for them. Also you could have a negative rating for a maid but a positive one for that same maid, so it could get pretty clomplex. This category gives a maximum of +1 pantsu point.

SPEEDWATCH: This is different variation of a plot rating. What happens is that you are enjoying an anime and some dumb arc comes up, you have to fast forward thru the bad parts even if the overall plot is good, so too much of that could give it a negative point. Heck I watched the entire H2O series in like 10 minutes, that show was crap. On the other hand if the plot is so good you can’t even take your eyes of the screen you’ll get a point. This rating ranges from -1 to +1 pantsu points.

MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Anything that will make you remember the anime for good or bad might get you a point. Also music is included here for good only, bad music won’t generally give you a negative point. I rate on content only, you won’t get a point for remembering a series with the first mechas in it even tho the show was trash. So if a particular moment was so good you’ll never forget or if the music was so great you’ll remember it, you’re in a good track. rating ranges from -1 to +1 pantsu points.

GRAPHICS: Quality of animation is obviously a big deal for me, trashy animation can kill an otherwise good anime, or killer animation would make a bad anime better. What I look for is the fluid motions, colors, animation quality and unity, drawing finesse, consistency in design. I repudiate deformed faces, recycling frames, still frames on fighting scenes, and bad pantsu shots, j/k ^_- rating ranges from -1 to +2 pantsu points.