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In a quick update today I was able to watch the last 3 episodes of kekkaishi. As I was writing this I was deciding in wether or not to write a review for it and I decided to do it. I came across kekkaishi a while ago by accident, and I actually had some fun. This anime is not very popular I don’t know why. I think its definitely a fun anime and the manga is even better as most mangas are, I do recommend this as a must watch. Kaguro is one of the most badass evil guy you could ever meet, in fact he rescues the anime from a downward spiral at about half of the series. As soon as he comes in and starts kicking ass the anime takes a turn for the better. Everyone starts acting more serious and after he kills Gen he pretty much takes center stage as the main bad guy, definitely one of the most badass evil guys ever to appear in anime. I recommend you watch the anime as you read the manga or read the manga after you’re done with the anime, the manga is just that much better, here’s an example of the differences. In the critical scene yoshimori tells tokine to stfu an stay put, and the anime didn’t do a good job at showing that dark expression that made tokine stumble and take him seriously for once.


So the anime ends where the kaguro arc ends and yoshimori gets a nice combo of slap and hug (like a bitch) from tokine then they continue pwning ayakashis, BOOOOOOORING. Altought I must say that I enjoy the background on kaguro that the manga does not provide. Anyway the manga continues after the anime ends and I recommend you read it, even tho the releases take forever to come out. I leave you with some images from the ending chapters of the anime and the same scenes from the manga version.




Fan Service: 1

Maids: 0

Bishounen: 0

Lolis: 0

Fights: 2

Violence: 1

moe: 1

Speedwatch: 1

Memorable moments: 1

Graphics: 0

Final rating: 7 PANTSU POINTS.